Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Dear people of public transportation, I hate you!
Nothing says, "damn I need a car" like public transportation. however nothing makes you say, "I need a car to drive home because I need a drink" like the people of public transportation. I know you know what I'm talking about. those loud high school kids on the bus when school lets out, that homeless guy sitting next to you who wont stop scratching, or that person with the infectious sounding cough, sitting a couple rows back, but it feels like she's sitting next to you when that hack of a cough comes bellowing out. But it's a couple other people who bug me even more thatn them. There's a growing trend emerging on lightrails and buses everywhere I go. I'm talking about the jerk with whole songs downloaded to their cell phones. Playing them as loud as possible like everyone wants to hear the B.S. your listening to! Nothing like just wanting to get home after a long day and hearing something loud and distorted coming from someones hand, sounding like they recorded it from the TV. At least download it onto your phone..... scratch that. GET A GOT DAMN IPOD LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE! What? Your friend told it was a great idea so you ran with it? Or did you think we would all bob our heads and the bus would turn into the club?? Somedays I want to grab that damn phone, open the emergency window a play catch with the road at top speed. I would also like to address you Mr. Talk on the phone loudly. Memo to you: NONE OF US WANT TO HEAR YOUR CONVERSATION. We don't care which one of your friends got some loose broad from the club pregnant, we don't want to hear why or why not you don't feel like going to see your parole officer or how you feel the weed man got over on you. Stop looking at me when you talk about the last fight you got in. You don't want it trust me! By the way, that girl your staring at, while you talk about your last sexual experience ever so loudly isn't feeling you. Yea, she's not turned on. Just thought I'd let you know. Attention high school kids: SHUT UP, SIT DOWN, BEHAVE! You probley wont understand until you get older, but we are sick of you. Hey sneezy Mcgee: cover your mouth or I will be be forced to spray you with my purell. When I get a car again I wont have to deal with none of you again, until then I want you to know I hate you all! Yes that's including you Mr/Ms I don't know where my stop is...
loud people,
public transportation
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Black people Vs. Niggas
I must say, there seems to be a common disconnect. All though there is no shortage on racism, there is an even bigger shortage of people who can tell the difference between common everyday harmless black people and the dreaded nigga. Although we all can have our nigga moments, most of us don't want the trouble. Before any of you get confused, thinking I'm some racist skinhead, I am very much black. Infact I was one of those "niggas" white people feared. Many moons ago I moved 90 miles east from a tough place nobody likes to visit(ahhh home, wow do I miss it).The move to a quiet , suburban style (but growing with alot of influence from my city), helped me realize there's more to life than possibly dying young. Or selling dope, or stiring trouble because there was nothing else to do. I was blind to it then, but my life was changing for the better and I didn't even realize it. I was becoming less of a "nigga" every year. Now that I'm older I understand both sides of the fence. The peaceful side, and the side average suburban people are scared of. Now I will be the first to say I love my people. But I can't stand niggas! If you don't know what qualifies you as a nigga I'll explain: A nigga is that person yelling at the cashier because they want 5% off of what ever item they have no business or the funds to pay for even after the discount is scanned in. A nigga is that person talkin shit about something they don't understand. The person yelling racism at a good point made by someone else of a diferent race. That person always wanting a "hook up"! Let me share a story with you that took place not to long ago. This moment set the tone for this blog. Plus it cemented the fact that I will NEVER do business with a nigga again! My wife and I were in a tough spot. In transition, trying to move back into our own apartment again soon. But, we had a storage bill that was kicking our ass. We wanteed to keep our things but we decided to sell our stuff and get rid of that storage bill, and just get new furniture when we got on our feet. So someone I thought was a friend was interested in the couches. He lolly gagged for weeks. Finally his mom decided she wanted our couches and our bedroom set. The couches alone were $1200. The bedroom set was worth about the same. We were in a tough spot because the storage bill was pass due and the storage place was gonna keep our things. So my "friends" mom decided we could keep our stuff at her spot, then buy the bedroom and livingroom set from us. We agreed. After we moved everything to her place she reveals she wants everything for $500. Kinda pissed us off but we were in a tough spot. So we said ok. There was a oak chess that belonged to my wife grandmother that was passed along down the family tree that we needed back. No money had been exchanged yet. This woman decides shes upset about the chess and lowers the price to $300!! So she wants $2400 worth of furniture for $300. The chess wasn't included in the first place. To make a long story short, We ended up giving up just about everything for $300. We had urgent bills to attend to. So my "friends" mom complains to us that she got the short end of the stick and kinda wants her money back, and then tries to claim we were stealing out her garage! How we gonna steal our own personal items? Goodness! Another example if your dealing with niggas incase you don't know: Anyone who didn't know nothing about Obama but he was black and wanted to vote just because of that. Had no idea what issues he was speaking about leading up to the election, just knew he was black and wanted a black man in office. Now I voted because I liked what he stood for and what he wanted to do. Race played no part. Black people may identify with this: If a man with big ass rims and a horrible paint job pulls up, and nods at you like he the shit.... Yup thats a nigga! That guy that turns his music to full blast when he see's you, yes sir that's a nigga. Regular common black people want to get ahead in life. They are saving money in their bank accounts, trying to figure out how to come up in life. And if they live in the ghetto, they're trying to figure out how to get out, not brag about how they live in it. And sure in the hell not complaining how the white man is keeping them from having all they can have in life! If you are blaming the white man for your problems your most likely a nigga! That's all for now. If I have any other thoughts on this I'll make a part two. Something tells me there will be.
black people,
Why is it so hard to find a job??
Never in my wildest dreams did I think finding a job would be so damn difficult. But it took me months just to find work. I mean damn, Im qualified! I have done everything from customer service , dirving, delivering, bussing tables, warehouse, labor, I mean the list goes on! Granted I know the economy is upside down, I know this. But I'm walking miles, and cathing the bus all over town just to hear, "We aren't hiring" , and "We're accepting applications". I don't want to hear that shit. I want some hope! Hell, when Burger King and Mcdonalds aren't calling you back there's a problem. I try to keep a positive attitude (which is a big challenge at times), because I know it's people doing alot worse than me. Somedays I just want to scream. Other days I just smile like everythings fine even though I'm pissed because I can't even afford to buy a 99 cent bag of chips at the store to curb my hunger. Never the less I keep moving. I just do like my favorite rapper THE JACKA says, " Just play it cool and pretend that everything is straight... this shit is wack tho" It's not like I'm going to start pan handling or something. "Quit" isn't even in my vocabulary. I did however just find a part-time job at a sporting good store. It's not what I want but it's something. I really want to be a firefighter or a CHP officer but I got to put that on hold because I'm newly married and my wife is the only one bringing in income. I'm not one of those asshole kind of husbands. Never will be, for that matter. We want kids and we want to move soon so I refuse to let her be the only one keeping us afloat. Today I start a new chapter. I wont let go of this job, because of all I been through in the last 6 months just to find this part-time job. I must say this blog thing isn't so bad. Not a bad start.... Not a bad start. you'll be hearing alot from me, I have alot to say. I'll tell you about work when I get off.
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