Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Why is it so hard to find a job??

Never in my wildest dreams did I think finding a job would be so damn difficult. But it took me months just to find work. I mean damn, Im qualified! I have done everything from customer service , dirving, delivering, bussing tables, warehouse, labor, I mean the list goes on! Granted I know the economy is upside down, I know this. But I'm walking miles, and cathing the bus all over town just to hear, "We aren't hiring" , and "We're accepting applications". I don't want to hear that shit. I want some hope! Hell, when Burger King and Mcdonalds aren't calling you back there's a problem. I try to keep a positive attitude (which is a big challenge at times), because I know it's people doing alot worse than me. Somedays I just want to scream. Other days I just smile like everythings fine even though I'm pissed because I can't even afford to buy a 99 cent bag of chips at the store to curb my hunger. Never the less I keep moving. I just do like my favorite rapper THE JACKA says, " Just play it cool and pretend that everything is straight... this shit is wack tho" It's not like I'm going to start pan handling or something. "Quit" isn't even in my vocabulary. I did however just find a part-time job at a sporting good store. It's not what I want but it's something. I really want to be a firefighter or a CHP officer but I got to put that on hold because I'm newly married and my wife is the only one bringing in income. I'm not one of those asshole kind of husbands. Never will be, for that matter. We want kids and we want to move soon so I refuse to let her be the only one keeping us afloat. Today I start a new chapter. I wont let go of this job, because of all I been through in the last 6 months just to find this part-time job. I must say this blog thing isn't so bad. Not a bad start.... Not a bad start. you'll be hearing alot from me, I have alot to say. I'll tell you about work when I get off.

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