Thursday, October 8, 2009

Role Models For Black Youth

If you were expecting me to call off the dogs after my Black people vs. Niggas rant, well you may want to find a different blogger. I have been sitting back observing something, that has been nawing away at me. I been trying to ignore it, but the more I ignore it the more it bothers me, that the people black youth in america are looking up to, should be the people they look down at. I know, I know, I'm a hater right? that's what you about to call me? I love how you become a hater when you speak the truth. But, since you on that, "I'm a hater tip" I'm going to give you something to really be mad at me about. First point is: rappers are not role models! I don't care what type of car they drive, how much ice they rock, or how much his house cost, he not raising all these kids looking up to him. Half the time the stuff he flaunting isn't his. Yea you heard me these niggas renting, and borrowing! I respect when anybody can make something out of nothing believe me. If you come from a rough life and you make something out of yourself, there is something to be said about that. I know from experience. The ghetto raised me! I just happen to be one of the ghetto children who see's the light, and tries to point out said light to others. Unfortunately most of my people have on blinders. So when they see, Lil Wayne, Jeezy, and whoever else, they just see the lifestyle, and not the sacrifices it took to get there. So that might explain why everybody and they mom is a rapper right now. Not everybody has skill. Which brings me to this point. Talk about something if your going to rap! But I don't want to go to far off subject. To all of my parents reading this: STOP LETTING THE TELEVISION RAISE YOUR KIDS! Why do your kids no more about Neffe and Frankie than they math homework? Why can they play Madden better than they know how to read? Why do they know more about who's beefing in rap then they know about what address they live at? And niggas, I want to ask you a question you might not like... Why are you proud of the ghetto ass pictures you have of your son holding your blunt, gun, beer, or whatever other trifiling thing they're holding? why do you act as though it's an accomplishment? And you wonder why every other race looks at us all like we are incapable of being normal. Don't say racisim either because your parenting is bad. Next so-called role model is the athelete. I'm not as mad about this as I am at the T.V. or rappers, being looked upon as something my kids should look up to. Sure there are some prime examples out there, but my main beef with this one is: why do you have to tell your kids to be like LeBron or Kobe, when they could be a doctor or a firefighter, or something else noble. Not every kid is going to make it to the NBA or NFL or MLB. For whatever reason when you have them chasing these dreams, you don't tell them about a back up plan. Why don't you give them game on bank accounts and degrees? Point being children should look up to their parents or firefighters, or teachers. They shouldn't be on the corner sagging to they knees wearing rest in peace T-shirts.We have a (half) black president now, which means you can let your kid know, you can run this country one day. Hey , it's ok to be smart. Kids need that drilled in there head more than ever. We all know the last resort for black people and niggas is the Army, and nobody really wants their kid going in there. Please set your kids up for a successful career, and future. Kobe and Lil Wayne don't have the time to do it.

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